Media Editing

Inura Websolutions also edits several types of media, such as images and audio recordings. If necessary, we can also take pictures of your products or of you and edit them.


Your website can be improved by a fotogallery,  a slideshow or carousel, a photo collage. If you have a musical website and would like to let visitors hear some music on the site Inura Websolutions can build in audio players that play music. That can be in the background or as music clips that one can stream one by one. For this we can edit your audio recordings. Also videos (eg. YouTube or Vimeo) can be placed on the website.

An increasingly important part of a website this days is the social media area. On almost every website you can find the buttons that take you to the relevant pages including Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, Skype.  We integrate the social media buttons in the websites of our clients and link them to the pages of their social media accounts.